

Nhận bưu kiện có chế phẩm thịt heo Nhiều nhất phạt 1.000.000 Đài tệ

Nếu kiểm tra ra trong bưu phẩm quốc tế có chế phẩm thịt heo đến từ vùng dịch tả heo châu Phi Sẽ xử phạt người nhận theo “Điều lệ phòng chống bệnh truyền nhiễm động vật”
Lần 1 phạt 200.000 Đài tệ
Lần 2 (trở lên) phạt 1.000.000 Đài tệ

The maximum fine for pork products mailed to Taiwan will increase to NT$1 million

Recipients of intercepted international mail containing pork products sent from an area where there is an outbreak of African swine fever will be fined in accordance with the Statute for Prevention and Control of Infectious Animal Diseases.
First offense NT$200,000.
Second offense(or additional) NT$1 million.

พัสดุไปรษณีย์มี ผลิตภัณฑ์เนื้อหมู ต้องระวางโทษปรับสูงสุด 1,000,000 เหรียญ

จากพื้นที่แพร่ระบาดโรคอหิวาต์แอฟริกาในสุกร ผู้รับจะถูกลงโทษ
ครั้งที่ 1 ปรับ 200,000 เหรียญ
ครั้งที่ 2 (ขึ้นไป) ปรับ 1,000,000 เหรียญ

